In its latest attempt to blur the lines between smartphones and tablets, Huawei on Monday announced a new 7-inch Android?device that can make phone calls. The MediaPad 7 Vogue is equipped with a 7-inch 1,024 x 600-pixel display, an in-house 1.2GHz quad-core processor and a 3-megapixel rear camera. The tablet also includes 1GB of RAM, 8GB of internal storage, a microSD slot, a 4,100 mAh battery and Huawei?s Emotion user interface atop Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. The MediaPad 7 will be available in a Wi-Fi only model or an HSPA+ model that is capable of making phone calls, a feature that similarly?puzzled us in Samsung?s Galaxy Note 8. The slate will arrive in China later this month with expanded availability scheduled for the coming months. Huawei?s press release follows below.
Huawei launches the multi-talented MediaPad 7 Vogue
[More from BGR: iOS 7 beta 2 walkthrough [photo gallery]]
All the functionality of a tablet, smartphone, and entertainment center, in one stylish package
[Shenzhen, China, 24 June, 2013]: Huawei, a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider, today launched the HUAWEI MediaPad 7 Vogue, the latest in Huawei?s range of products that make great technology accessible. With a 7-inch display, aluminum unibody and quad-core processor, the MediaPad 7 Vogue provides the perfect mix of functions from a tablet, smartphone and entertainment center in one stylish and portable device.
?Building on the popularity of the HUAWEI MediaPad series, we?ve created a new tablet that caters to fashionistas, technology seekers, entertainment junkies, and people who simply expect more from their technology,? said Richard Yu, Chief Executive Officer, Huawei Consumer Business Group. ?We?re delighted to introduce the MediaPad 7 Vogue, our call-enabled tablet with world-class entertainment capabilities and long-lasting battery power. The MediaPad 7 Vogue is a perfect example of Huawei?s dedication to making extraordinary experiences possible.?
The HUAWEI MediaPad 7 Vogue boasts a built-in receiver for direct calling capabilities that remove the need for headphones. It features a powerful quad-core 1.2GHz processor CPU and 16-core GPU, fluid 3D gaming and 1080p full HD video playback. The 3G module supports DC-HSPA+, and downlink speed can reach up to 42Mbps, and the Wi-Fi connection supports 802.11b/g/n for fast streaming of movies or videos. MediaPad 7 Vogue also features a 4100mAh Li-Polymer battery and Huawei?s proprietary power-saving technology, enabling playback of four HD movies or more than 20 hours of continuous calling on one charge. The MediaPad 7 Vogue?s antenna performance is top-class, exceeding most operator standards in the US and Europe.
With its strong and sleek aluminum metal unibody design, the MediaPad 7 Vogue is ultra light and compact at just 9.5mm thin and weighing only 335g. Its 7-inch capacitive 1024 x 600 (IPS) multi-touchscreen with full view-angle and vivid display, offers a dazzling visual experience to bring your photos and videos to life.
Running on Android 4.1, the MediaPad 7 Vogue is pre-installed with email, word processing, Facebook, YouTube, and GPS navigation, and also features Huawei?s proprietary Emotion UI 1.5 providing a more user-friendly and personalized experience.
Offering seamless connectivity, the MediaPad 7 Vogue?s Micro USB port is compatible with a full-range of accessories including an external keyboard, mouse and USB flash disk, while the Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Airsharing functionalities allow for swift content sharing wherever you are.
The MediaPad 7 Vogue comes in black and white and will be available in China this month, with other markets to follow.
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