Friday, June 28, 2013

Your guide to making better decisions - Business Management Daily

tough decisions ahead signA leader?s most important job is making good decisions.

Step back and improve yours:

  • Consider several options. By considering only one job candidate, you rationalize away the negatives because you want it to work out. By laying out various possibilities, you see a bigger picture.
  • Think objectively. For personal decisions, ask: ?What would I tell my best friend to do?? For business decisions, ask: ?If I were replaced tomorrow and a wise person took my place, what would he or she do??
  • Be fair. With so much data available, it?s easy to make a case for your gut feeling. Build opposition into your decision-making. In a high-stakes situation, assign a team preparing the case to do something and a team preparing the case not to.
  • Curb your enthusiasm. Leaders tend to be overconfident, so use a ?premortem,? in which you ask your people, ?OK, we just made a decision. Let?s pretend it?s a year from now and it turned into a disaster. What happened??

? Adapted from Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work, Chip and Dan Heath, Crown Business.

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